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Client ID Requirements

One form of ID is required from Group A and from Group B


You cannot use one form of identification for both name and address. (e.g., if you provide driving licence as photo/name ID we need another form of ID for your address).




Group A (Photographic/Name ID)
  • Current signed Passport

  • Current UK or EU Driving Licence

  • National Identity Card

  • Original full Birth Certificate N.B when providing photographic ID, the ID must be a clear legible colour image. (In terms of AML rules, black and white ID should not be accepted.)



Group B (Address ID)

• DWP/Local Authority benefit book or letter confirming rights to benefits.

• A utility bill or statement

• Tax letter/Bill from HMRC

• Bank/Building Society/Credit Union statement/Passbook

• Mobile or landline phone bill

• Council/Housing association rent card/tenancy agreement for current year

• House or Motor Insurance Certificate.

• NHS Medical card or GP letter confirming registration with the surgery.



ALL Bills/Statements etc MUST be dated within the past 3 months.

N.B. Travel Cards or Bank Cards are NOT acceptable ID.




How to capture a good image of your identification
  1. Find a place with good natural lighting.

  2. Lay out your ID on a flat surface

  3. Use your phone camera. Be sure that the image is clear.

  4. Once you are happy with your images please email

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